2 panchayats form panel to tackle drug menace

Faridkot, March 5

Twin panchayats of Khara village in Faridkot today passed a resolution and constituted a committee to tackle drug menace. Gurpreet Singh Brar, sarpanch of the village, said, “Tall claims of the state government and police notwithstanding, drug peddlers are active in our village. Many youth have fallen prey to this meance.”

SHO Gurwinder Singh denied the claims of drugs sale in the village. We conduct raids at regular interval to keep tabs on drug suppliers, said the SHO. He claimed that panchayats of Khara village never raised the issue before.

No trust in police

We don’t have much faith in the police and the state government. Thus, we are forced to take an aggressive stand against drug peddlers. —Gurpreet Singh Brar, Sarpanch, Khara village

Dr Gurvinder Singh, a panchayat member, said many youngsters were receiving treatment at hospitals. As the menace increased, the panchayats decided to tackle the issue themselves.

“The panchayats have passed a resolution to warn those selling drugs and stage protests in front of their houses. If they do not mend their ways, the panchayats will confront them,” said Brar. —

2 panchayats form panel to tackle drug menace