MoD grants three more months to pensioners for annual life certification


Chandigarh, November 30

Ministry of Defence has approved the extension of pension payment for three months for banks’ pensioners, who migrated to SPARSH (System for Pension Administration – Raksha) and whose identification was due in November 2022.

“It is reiterated that the process of annual identification and life Certification is a statutory requirement for continued and timely credit of monthly pension. Thus, all defence pensioners who are yet to complete their annual identification are requested to complete the process by February 2023 positively to ensure smooth processing and credit of their pension entitlement,” the MoD said in a statement issued today.

Annual identification and life certification can be done via digital Jeevan Pramaan online or Jeevan Pramaan Face App. Pensioners can also complete the process by logging into the SPARSH website or by visiting the nearest service center set up by the MoD in the regard.

Legacy pensioners (pre-2016 retirees) who have not yet migrated to SPARSH can perform their life certification as was being done by them in previous years, the statement said.