Farmers oppose land record upload order in Punjab

Sameer Singh

Tribune News Service

Mansa, August 7

Farmer unions have taken objection to state government’s directions to market committees to ensure land record (‘fard’) details of all farmers be uploaded on the portal before the paddy procurement season begins in October this year.

Baldev Singh Sandoha, BKU Ekta Sidhupur Chief

Revoke or face stir

The Revenue Department and mandi board already have required details. It is nothing but a way to pester farmers. If not revoked, we will launch a stir at the district level.





Condemning the decision, union leaders said the state government was towing Centre’s line and imposing decisions on farmers, which would have “repercussions” in the Assembly elections. In a letter issued by the Punjab Mandi Board, it has directed all market committee heads to initiate the process for compliance of the order.

Ram Singh Bhaini Bhagha, BKU Ekta Ugrahan Mansa unit president, said: “We oppose this dictatorial order. By asking for ‘fard’ details of farmers, the government is walking the same path of corporate-favouring Centre. Instead of encouraging farmer and cultivators — those who sow crop by taking land on lease to grow and sell their produce as per their convenience — the government wants to harass them by such orders which would barely serve any purpose.”

As per the Centre’s mandate to integrate the land record details with crop procurement before the start of the paddy procurement season, the state government has directed the Revenue Department and Punjab Mandi Board to expedite the process apparently to avoid disruptions during the season.

“There are two possibilities that the government is seeking out by imposing such an order. First, it wants to reduce its share of procurement of produce by government-authorised agencies on the MSP and thereby giving a free hand to private players, and second, it wants to bring farmers leasing out their land for tilling under the tax ambit,” said Baldev Singh Sandoha, BKU Ekta Sidhupur president.

Farmers oppose land record upload order in Punjab