Amritsar farmer establishes agro brand

Charanjit Singh Teja

Tribune News Service

Amritsar, September 22

Yadwinder Singh of Tarsika block has established his own agro brand ‘Majha Foods’ at Chogawan Sadhpur village in the last 10 years.

Responding to the call of Punjab Agricultural University and Agriculture Department for diversification of crops, Yadwinder had sown turmeric in 2008 instead of wheat and paddy.

Yadwinder Singh

“We had good yield first time, but I got disappointed, when there was no buyer in the market. So, I decided to set up my own processing unit to make turmeric powder. We got good response for organic turmeric powder as products available in the market were not able to compete with our turmeric. People started visiting directly on our doorstep to get turmeric powder.”

In 2010, Yadwinder initiated Kisan Hut on Tarsika link road. “Now, it has become a landmark. Visitors on road stop to buy our products. We also sell gur and honey products. Then we registered our own brand Maja Foods. The turmeric powder of our brand is famous in the region. People use our turmeric as medicine because it is organic,” said Yadwinder.

Awarded by various state and the Central Government agencies, Yadwinder has shown a way forward to several farmers as to how they can also make farming a profitable venture. “Marketing is a major challenge for farmers. They often go for diversification of crops on the suggestions of agriculture experts, but when it comes to marketing, they face several problems and challenges. I fought against all odds in these 10 years, and even now believe that every new morning comes with a new challenge. So, it is important that the product is marketed properly,” said Yadwinder.

He is using paddy straw instead of mulching paper for weed management and contributing to environment by not burning straw.

Amritsar farmer establishes agro brand