Bimonthly exams two days away, pupils yet to get books
Archit Watts
Tribune News Service
Muktsar, August 2
The Education Department has announced the schedule for holding bimonthly exams of Classes VI to XII in government schools across the state, but the students are still waiting for some textbooks.
Distribution underway
Some textbooks may not have reached the schools, but we have distributed nearly 5.5 lakh books among students in this academic session. The distribution of books is still underway. — Malkit Singh, DEO(Secondary), Muktsar
The academic session started four months ago in April. The bimonthly exams are being conducted from the syllabus of April and May for Classes VI to X and XII. The exams of Class XI have to be conducted from the syllabus of July.
A teacher posted in a government school in Muktsar block informed that the students of Class XII were yet to get the textbooks of history and elective English. Similarly, the students of Class XI were yet to get the textbooks of general English, political science, geography and elective English.
Further, the students of Class X were yet to get the textbooks of science, physical education and drawing. The students of Class IX were yet to get the textbooks of mathematics, physical education and drawing.
A teacher of another government school informed that some textbooks like science of Class X and Class VIII, English of Class VII had not come to any school in Doda block.
He added, “Some book banks have been made in government schools and we keep the old books of students and distribute it to new students. However, all students have not been covered. But we are set to hold bimonthly exams. The marks of these exams are counted as assessment in the result of annual exams. The assessment is between 10-20 marks, but it is not the same for all classes.”
Some teachers said that the situation was similar across the state. Notably, textbooks are given free to all students in government schools.
Malkit Singh, District Education Officer (Secondary), Muktsar, said, “The bimonthly exams are being conducted from August 5. Some book titles may not have reached the schools, but we have distributed nearly 5.5 lakh books among students in this academic session. The distribution of books is still underway.”
As per a letter issued by the State Council of Educational Research and Training, which is in possession of The Tribune, the bimonthly exams of Classes VI to XII in all streams are to be held between August 5 and 20. The date sheet has to be prepared at the school level.
Earlier, these exams were to be conducted between August 8 and 23. However, the dates were revised on August 2.