The BJP has unveiled its initial list of 67 candidates for the upcoming Haryana assembly elections, dropping over a quarter of sitting MLAs. Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini is set to contest from Ladwa. Newcomers such as Aarti Singh Rao and Shruti Choudhry have also secured tickets. The elections are slated for October 5.The BJP has unveiled its initial list of 67 candidates for the upcoming Haryana assembly elections, dropping over a quarter of sitting MLAs. Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini is set to contest from Ladwa. Newcomers such as Aarti Singh Rao and Shruti Choudhry have also secured tickets. The elections are slated for October 5.
- Next BJP will sweep Haryana polls for third time: Aseem Goel
- Previous Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia meet Rahul, may fight Haryana polls for Congress