Gurdaspur: CM Charanjit Singh Channi addressed a long-pending demand of nearly 70 villages living across the Chakki river by inaugurating a 200-metre-long Talwara Jattan bridge. “The project has been built at a cost of Rs 25 crore,” he said. TNS
Cong panel meet deferred
Chandigarh: The meeting of the AICC-appointed screening committee was postponed as CM Charanjit Singh Channi and Punjab affairs incharge Harish Chaudhary could not make it. TNS
Singla’s confidant joins PLC
Sangrur: In a major setback to Cabinet Minister Vijay Inder Singla, his close associate and District Planning Committee chairman Rajinder Singh Raja Birkalan has joined the Punjab Lok Congress of former CM Capt Amarinder Singh. TNS
Cong leader joins Capt’s party
Chandigarh: Senior Congress leader and PCC general secretary KK Sharma on Friday joined the Punjab Lok Congress. He was inducted into the party by Capt Amarinder Singh. Sharma has served in various capacities in the party and the government. TNS
Channi inaugurates Talwara Jattan bridge