COVA glitches give officials tough time

Tribune News Service

Patiala, September 24

The hiccups in the state government’s Covid application — COVA — continues to give health officials a tough time.

Following the frequent technical glitches, officials are said to have been working overtime to upload the data of Covid sampling. Officials say the higher authorities have been informed about the problem, but to no avail. Doctors told The Tribune that since the app didn’t function for hours one day, they could not upload the sampling data. Consequently, there were problems in generating unique IDs and sending samples to lab. A medical officer in Patiala said: “Work continues to suffer due to frequent glitches. We have to note down patients’ details and wait for the application to work. This makes sampling cumbersome.” Dr Rajesh Bhasker, state nodal officer, said: “There is some issue at the backend of the application. It will be resolved in a day or two.”

COVA glitches give officials tough time