Farmers, labourers rue poor facilities in Abohar grain market

Abohar, April 1

Though authorities have made tall claims of making elaborate arrangements for purchasing wheat, numerous discrepancies have been found at new grain market in Abohar.

Labourers said they have been trying to draw attention of the administration towards basic amenities. “No efforts have been made to clear the yards of stray cattle, which recently attacked three persons. Lakhs were spent to construct a boundary wall, which has given up,” said labourers.

Manjit Singh, a farmer of Dalmirkhera village, said it may take another 10 days for wheat crop to arrive at the grain market.” Dana Ram, a labourer, said, “There’s no provision of potable water at the grain market. Hand pumps are lying defunct. Hundreds of women assist their male counterparts during the season, but women toilets are still lying locked.”

Meanwhile, officials assured to take cognisance of the discrepancies. —

Farmers, labourers rue poor facilities in Abohar grain market