Ferozepur-Patti section: 9 yrs on, acquisition for rail link begins

Anirudh Gupta

Ferozepur, July 4

Nine years after the project of construction of a 25.47-km Ferozepur-Patti rail link was given a green signal in the Rail Budget, the state government has finally started the process to acquire the land for it. The rail link has a potential to shorten the distance between northern states, including Punjab, to the trade capitals of Gujrat and Maharashtra to a large extent.

When completed, the rail link would reduce the distance between Ferozepur and Amritsar from 118 km to 86 km besides, the distance between Amritsar and Mumbai shall be shortened by 240 km. It will also reduce the distance between Jamp;K and Mumbai by 267 km and connect Malwa and Majha regions of the state.

It will also facilitate mass movement of defence forces towards Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh region.

As per information, after conducting the Social Impact Assessment, the state government has now sought objections for the acquisition of around 60-acre land falling under the Mallanwala Khas besides another around 975-kanal in Dulla Singh Wala, Kutubdin Wala and Kala Ke Hithar for the new broad gauge line between Ferozepur and Patti.

Ferozepur-Patti section: 9 yrs on, acquisition for rail link begins