Heaps of garbage dot Sangrur city

Heaps of garbage dot Sangrur city

Sangrur, August 9

Heaps of garbage can be seen at every nook and corner of Sangrur city. The pleas of residents to the Sangrur Nagar Council (NC) have fallen on deaf ears as waste is hardly shifted to dump yard despite having required number of vehicles and employees.

Gurjant singh, a resident, said, “There is no improvement despite change in the government. The civic body has required number of employees and vehicles in sanitation wing, but removal of waste is very slow.”

Trash can be seen near Gate No. 2 of the civil hospital on the Sangrur-Ludhiana Road, Nabha Gate and near BSNL park, he said, adding that it was creating health issues for the residents.

Pushpinder Singh, another resident, said, “The government should look into the matter as it may lead to disease outbreak. As commuters enter the city through Nabha Gate and Patiala Road, garbage can create health-related issues.”

Some residents alleged trash started floating on the roads during recent spell of rain and blocked drains.

“Apart from paying taxes, we are also giving money to sanitation staff for collection of waste,” said Vijay Kumar, a local.

Balkishan, Executive Officer, Sangrur Nagar Council, said: “I joined the duty today itself. We have started removing waste. I will cross check why it was not lifted earlier,” said Balkishan.

Heaps of garbage dot Sangrur city