Jouramajra ‘grabs’ transfer powers

Jouramajra ‘grabs’ transfer powers

Vishav Bharti

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 2

Punjab’s Health Minister Chetan Singh Jouramajra has thrown all rules to the wind as in a recent order he has asked the Health Department not to transfer any contractual, outsourced or daily wage staff without his approval.

This order is in clear violation of rules of business of the department as well as various other independent societies functioning under the government.

Soon after assuming office on July 20, the minister told Director Health Services, National Health Mission (NHM), Punjab Health Systems Corporation (PHSC) and State Health Agency not to transfer or recruit any contractual, outsourced or daily wage staff without seeking his approval.

As per the rules of business of the department, the Director Health Services is competent to do transfers up to Class II officers. The orders of the transfers of Class I officers in the Health Department including Medical Officers, Senior Medical Officers and Civil Surgeons are done by Secretary Health, if required in consultation with the Health Minister.

Similarly, Managing Directors of PHSC and NHM, who are IAS officers, are competent to do any transfers and postings in the bodies which function independently and are registered as societies.

Similarly, the State Health Agency, which takes care of the functioning of the government-run health insurance scheme, also has an IAS officer as its Chief Executive Officer. He/she is also competent to make any transfers and postings in the agency.

When contacted, Minister for Health and Family

Welfare Chetan Singh Jouramajra feigned ignorance about the existence of any such order.

Jouramajra ‘grabs’ transfer powers