Nine states, including Punjab, withhold consent to CBI

New Delhi, July 28

Nine states, including Punjab, have not given general consent to the CBI to register and investigate offences, the government said on Thursday.

The nine states are Mizoram, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Kerala, Jharkhand, Punjab and Meghalaya, Minister of State in PMO Jitendra Singh told Anil Desai in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

Desai had asked whether prior consent of the State Government is necessary for each and every crime that the Central Government proposes to hand over to any central agency. He had also sought details of the number of States that have agreed or disagreed.

Singh said the CBI has the power to investigate offences notified in the UTs only and the Centre can extend the jurisdiction to other areas, including railway areas and states. But states have to give consent, he added.

However, in case the Supreme Court and High Courts entrust matters for investigation to CBI, there is no requirement for any notification conveying consent.

In States where general consent has not been accorded or where the general consent does not cover the particular case, then there is requirement of specific consent of the State Government. Only when the consent of the State Government is received, can extension of jurisdiction of CBI be considered, the Minister explained.

Nine states, including Punjab, withhold consent to CBI