Now, farmers to protest outside offices of DCs

Barnala, December 17

Amid discussions by various farm groups on taking a political plunge, the BKU Ugrahan — the largest farmer union

of Punjab — on Friday announced its decision to stage protests in front

of deputy commissioners’ offices from December 20 to 24 in support of their demands.

The announcement comes as a surprise for many as union members had returned home only a few days ago from the Tikri border, where the BKU Ugrahan protested for more than a year.

Labourers to hold ‘black flag’ stir

Bathinda: The Punjab Farm Workers’ Union on Friday said it would protest against the CM and MLAs in villages and towns holding black flags from December 17 to 27 over unfulfilled promises. Besides, dharnas will be staged from December 28 to 30 in front of SDM offices. TNS

“We have decided to protest for five days in front of DCs’ offices as despite repeated claims, the Punjab Government has not fulfilled many of our demands. We have already clarified we are here to fight for farmers’ rights and not for politics,” said union president Joginder Singh Ugrahan after a state-level meeting at Bhotna village here.

Their main demands include Rs 17,000 per acre aid to farmers hit by crop loss and its 10 per cent payment to labourers, guarantee on Rs 360 per quintal sugarcane, Rs 3 lakh aid to families of labourers/farmers who died by suicide besides debt waiver and a government job, cancellation of FIRs registered against protesting farmers, Rs 5 lakh aid to farmers/labourers who died during the Delhi agitation and a government job to kin and prompt release of tubewell connections. — TNS

Now, farmers to protest outside offices of DCs