Police register case against Nabha ex-deputy jail superintendent for corruption

Karam Prakash

Patiala, June 3

Patiala Police on Friday registered an FIR against a former deputy jail superintendent for extortion.

The case dates back to the time when the deputy jail superintendent was posted at the Nabha jail.

Police said they had already registered a case against Prabhjot Singh for allegedly taking Rs 2 lakh from an inmate lodged in the Nabha jail. Singh has been booked under Section 384 of the IPC and Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The incident shows the extortion racket allegedly being run by the jail officials, say the experts.

The accused deputy jail superintendent has been sent to the Jails department headquarters in Chandigarh. He was sent from Nabha jail to the headquarters after the complaint of taking bribe against him was submitted to the DGP, Jails.

The jails department had to request for the FIR only after their preliminary inquiry on the complaint of father of the jail inmate Bhavneet Singh was made.

Police register case against Nabha ex-deputy jail superintendent for corruption