Punjab Congress leader writes to police over ‘threat calls’ from gangsters

Patiala, July 10

Congress leader and two-time MLA from Rajpura Hardial Singh Kamboj, who lost the recent Assembly poll, has written to the state DGP and Patiala SSP claiming that he had been receiving threat calls from gangsters demanding ransom.

Almost a month after he informed the police top brass about the threat calls, the police are “yet to provide security or arrest the gangsters”.

In his complaint, the ex-MLA claimed he received ransom calls on his personal WhatsApp number from two different mobile numbers last month.

“Despite my repeated pleas to the top brass of the district and the state police, no action has been taken so far,” Kamboj said, adding that the callers had been sending him texts to pay the ransom or face consequences. “They are not taking my complaint seriously as no one has briefed me about any action taken on it,” he added.

The ex-MLA has reportedly provided all mobile numbers to the police and sought security cover for himself and his family. “In case anything happens to me or my family, it will be the sole responsibility of the government and the police,” he added.

A senior police officer said, “We are probing the details of the alleged threats. The ex-MLA has already got security. However, his complaint is being looked into.”

Punjab Congress leader writes to police over ‘threat calls’ from gangsters