Punjab Police withdraw order asking field officers to play Gurbani at CM functions to suppress protesters

Jupinderjit Singh

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 9

Punjab Police on Thursday evening withdrew a controversial letter issued earlier in the day that asked field officers to play Gurbani/religious songs loudly to suppress the sloganeering by protesters at functions/ venue of Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi.

IG (special protection unit) AK Pandey who had issued the letter said he has withdrawn as the letter conveyed a different message than intended. “It was a communication gap and a clerical error,” Pandey said.

The letter sent to the Zonal heads of police, the Commissioners of police besides senior officers went viral on social media as it advocated the unique but controversial ploy of using Gurbani against protesters.

Pandey said the orders were to lower the volume of loudspeakers/DJs used by protesters while shouting slogans against the government. The letter did not specify but the protesters mainly include unemployed youths.

He issued the revised orders asking field officers to ensure a lower volume of protesters as the Chief Minister faced difficulty in interacting with people at the functions due to the loud noise.

Punjab Police withdraw order asking field officers to play Gurbani at CM functions to suppress protesters