Sujanpur: Social connect skills his forte

Ravi Dhaliwal

Sujanpur (Pathankot), February 13

It is 6.30 am on a cold, foggy day and three-time BJP legislator Dinesh Singh Babbu has already ended the first phase of his day’s campaign by visiting Jugiyal which forms a part of his Assembly segment.

He recently visited the family of Akshay Pathania, the Army man who was martyred in Arunachal Pradesh on February 8. When officials brought his body to his native village of Chakkar, 8 km away, the MLA ensured he was present at the cremation.

“Akshay is a martyr because he died while fighting for his homeland. It is the cause, not the death, that makes a martyr,” said Babbu.

The social connect he has with his fellow villagers is much discussed. Even his detractors admit that it was this very connection with his constituents that enabled him to become an MLA for three successive terms. “At times, he comes to meet us in the wee hours on a scooter. The breed of such politicians is fast vanishing these days,” said Sarpanch Ganesh Thakur.

Babbu’s first three elections were managed by a dedicated band of followers. This time the band has been replaced by a ‘kitchen cabinet’ comprising his wife Meena Kohal, daughter Surbhi Thankur and son Abhimanyu. Surbhi is pursuing post-graduation in political science. She handles the social media part of her father’s campaign.

“We are running our campaign in a hi-tech manner. Social media is not just a media. Through it we listen, engage and build relationships with our voters,” says Surbhi. As Surbhi and company get busy, Babbu retreats to a corner and starts writing a letter to the Army authorities seeking relaxation in age for youngsters of his area.

Sujanpur: Social connect skills his forte