‘The Sacrilege’— Book ‘sparing none, including powerful politicians,’ to be released on Wednesday

Saurabh Malik

Chandigarh, January 18

Nearly five years have lapsed since the incidents of sacrilege, subsequent protests by the people and police firing tore apart the social fabric in Punjab, leaving two persons dead, several injured and wounds that refuse to heal even with time. Bringing out the truth behind the events before and after the incidents of sacrilege in the State is “The Sacrilege” — a non-fiction by Justice Ranjit Singh.

“This book presents the results of the investigation sparing none, including powerful politicians, and is an eye-opener with startling revelations presented with facts. It is written in lucid and simple language unfolding the tragedy of events that occurred,” says Justice Ranjit Singh — a former Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, who headed the commission of inquiry set up to look into the incidents of sacrilege.

The book, having the potential to affect the fate of the impending assembly elections in the State, is scheduled to be released on Wednesday noon at the Chandigarh Press Club by former Chief Justices, Justice S.S. Sodhi and Justice Manmohan Singh Liberhan, along with former Supreme Court Judge, Justice HS Bedi and Punjab and Haryana High Court Judge Justice Nawab Singh.

Justice Ranjit Singh says the book dwells deep into the circumstances leading to the incidents of sacrilege and the events that unfolded after it, including the affixing of posters and scattering of “holy angs of Saroop of Guru Granth Sahib ji”.

“It hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community and the entire nation, leaving indelible scars, which are impossible to heal. Not only was blatant sacrilege committed, it was unfortunately followed by the firing of police personnel on innocent protesters leading to loss of human life. Various investigations by a special investigating team and a former Judge into these cases made little headway, leaving the public clamouring for justice,” says Justice Ranjit Singh.

Talking about the commission and its report, Justice Ranjit Singh says it carried out the investigation without bias. “The book, for the first time, has brought out the complete truth in the public domain,” Justice Ranjit Singh adds.

The firing at Kotkapura took place on October 14, 2015, after sacrilege. In his report tabled before the Vidhan Sabha, Justice Ranjit Singh asserted the responsibility of action at Kotkapura to forcefully evict the protestors sitting on peaceful dharna squarely lied with the police.

Justice Ranjit Singh had added the incident of sacrilege was such that the public was bound to react in the manner it did. In any case, it was not unusual for the public to sit on dharna to protest. The compulsion on the part of the police to act was due to pressure from the then government.

‘The Sacrilege’— Book ‘sparing none, including powerful politicians,’ to be released on Wednesday