Cops to keep eye on Chandigarh colleges


Deepankar Sharda

Chandigarh, October 11

While security on the Panjab University (PU) campus has been beefed up, the police are more concerned about maintaining law and order at local colleges. Today, the police started barricading important spots on the campus. They are likely to announce some areas as restricted zones on the election and counting days. The police are also focusing on maintaining law and order at the local colleges, which have limited resources.

“The university has its own security. We have identified troublemakers and issued them warnings. On the campus, students are mature enough to know the consequences, if they indulge in any kind of illegal activity,” said senior police personnel.

He added, “The local colleges have limited resources and have a large strength of students in a limited space. We have to be very specific on maintaining law and order in these colleges. For this purpose, we have planned certain things and will implement these with the help of the college authorities. The college authorities have also been put on alert.”