Inclusive, says BJP; Oppn calls it ‘directionless’


Chandigarh, February 1

The city BJP has hailed the Budget as incluisive, while the Opposition has termed it “directionless”.

Arun Sood, president, Chandigarh BJP, hailed the Budget as “progressive and inclusive”. “It is growth oriented on the macro-economic front. A huge 33% increase in capital investment has been made which will benefit all segments of the economy. Special attention has been paid to empowerment of women, youth, SC/ST/OBC/ underprivileged sectors by creating support infrastructure to facilitate their income,” he said. Former BJP president Sanjay Tandon said the Narendra Modi government had provided big relief to every section of society. “It will bring development and ensure people’s welfare. There are many good things for Chandigarh in the Budget,” he said.

Pawan Kumar Bansal, AICC treasurer and former Union Minister, however, criticised the “step-motherly treatment meted out to Union Territory in the Budget. He stated in the previous Budget, the UT was allocated Rs 419.33 crore under the capital expenditure head, but the Centre released only Rs 352.47 crore, which was even lower than the actual capital expenditure of Rs 365.32 crore spent during 2021-22.

Accusing the government of betraying the people of UT by going back on the promised allocation, he said the allocation for development works in the Budget carried no meaning given the history of unkept promises in the past.

HS Lucky, UT Congress president, however, said the Budget was an eyewash with no futuristic approach. “Today taxes are being levied on every item in the form of GST and every citizen has to bear the brunt directly or indirectly. The basic problem of price rise and unemployment has not been addressed. There is nothing for the common man. The relief given is minuscule. Even for Chandigarh, the budget has nothing in store.”

Former AAP president Prem Garg said: “It is a visionless and directionless Budget. It is just like old wine in new bottle. It does not support any of the permanent problems such as unemployment, inflation, farmers’ income and increasing loan on the government.”

Deepa Dubey, UT Mahila Congress chief, said there was no provision for safety of women, or hygiene, education and employment for girls. It was against the middle class and poor women, she said.


It Will spur growth

A good Budget with focus on growth while keeping inflation in check. Increase in capital expenditure outlay will spur growth. Increase in agriculture outlay will be benefit Mohali industry. Tax rebate to people will give them more liquidity. — Anurag Aggarwal, Mohali Industries Association president

Nothing much for senior citizens

It’s a cruel joke on senior citizens. The Railways, air and bus fare concessions of 50% have not been revived. Old age pension has not been raised to Rs 5,000 per month. Total exemption from tax has not been given to senior citizens. Swarn Chaudhary, executive chief, Mohali Senior Citizens Assn

Tax rebate an eyewash

Increase in rebate from Rs 5L to Rs 7L under new tax regime is an eyewash and will have huge repercussions. There has been no change in rebate under old regime. Also, new regime is now the default regime, while the old one has been made optional, indicating government will do away with the old one. — Keshav Garg, Chartered Accountant

Relief for all sections

There is relief for every section. Interest levy on MSMEs is down 1% amp; IT exemptions have been increased to Rs 7 lakh. Sec 44 AD for presumptive tax return has been raised to Rs 3 cr for businesses and Rs 75 lakh for professionals. Senior citizens can deposit Rs 30 lakh in post office FDs. It is a development-oriented Budget. — Charanjiv Singh, president, Chandigarh Beopar Mandal