Lawyers observe ‘no working day’


Chandigarh, February 23

The District Bar Association (DBA) today observed “No Working Day” to protest the registration of an FIR against two advocates Amar Singh Chahal and Dilsher Singh Jandiala in connection with a clash that took place between members of the Qaumi Insaaf Morcha and the Chandigarh Police.

Shanker Gupta, president of the bar association, said all advocates supported the cause fully and no work was carried out throughout the day at the local courts.

The DBA would observe ‘No Working Day’ on February 24 and 27 too.

Gupta claimed that Chahal and Jandiala were not present at the spot on February 8 when the incident took place.

He said their protest would continue till the names of the advocates were removed from the FIR. The call given by the advocates caused inconvenience to litigants as the court adjourned the hearing in cases in the absence of advocates.

The entry connecting the chambers and the court rooms were closed. A group of advocates sat on the main entry to ensure that no lawyer attended a hearing.