Pistol goes off at congregation, nobody injured


Chandigarh, February 21

In a freak incident, a licensed pistol of a Shiv Sena leader went off at a temple in Burail, Sector 45, today. Nobody was injured in the incident.

A large number of people were present in the temple to attend a prayer ceremony of a religious figure, Jagadguru Panchanand Giri Ji Maharaj, who had passed away last week.

The police said advocate Devinder Singh Rajput, who owned a pistol, had come to attend the ceremony. As he was about to sit, his pistol fell on the floor and a shot was fired accidentally.

The bullet pierced through a glass window of the hall. Fortunately, it had not hit anyone, said a police officer.

The incident led to panic among the congregation. The police reached the spot on getting information about the incident and initiated an investigation. A forensic team also examined the spot. The police said they had seized the pistol.

Meanwhile, a case under Section 336 (act endangering life and personal safety of others) has been registered at the Sector 34 police station. Devinder was arrested and later released on bail.